
Monday, November 3, 2014

Mink + Pink

Go for your DREAMS! Now that my 24th birthday is coming up I really feel motivated & inspired to really push my fashion blog to it's fullest potential. I fuckin' love fashion and there's no way in hell I could work at a job the rest of my life not doing something related to fashion, so I'm 1000% going for it. I finally mapped out a plan and steps I need to take to get where I need to go and I'm executing it to the fullest. Example, I wasn't feeling all that confident how I was looking in my clothes/pictures, so I decided to really step my game up in the gym. BOOM, problem solved ! (I'm not at my goal weight but each day I get closer) You know, I feel like life is way to short to be unhappy and settle, and lots people give up on a lot of things before actually giving their all. I will not be that person & neither should you!
Do whatever makes you happy is all!

------SIDE NOTE----
I will be adding a new thing to my blog,  I'm going to start featuring dope Atlanta artist/locals on my blog to showcase other peoples dope fashion that inspires me and hopefully other people. Sooooo if you want to be featured or you know someone just send me a email!! Dont be scurred haha

Outfit Deets:
Halter Top- Forever 21
Pizza Necklace- Nasty Gal
Body Chain- Missguided
Shag Cardi- Missguided
Pants- American Apparel
Boots- Zara

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